Happy new year! It’s that time again where we self-reflect and promise to drink less alcohol. There are plenty of things I’d like to change about myself but Rome wasn’t built in a day. Often people fail at their resolutions because of trying to do it all at once. We have an entire year to accomplish things.
I love setting goals for myself, whether big or small, I like having something to strive towards. January is a great start, fresh new year and resolutions. I do have the usual ones, exercise more, lose weight, eat more healthy and so on. However, it’s the more specific ones I wanted to jot down.
My goals/resolutions for 2018
- Get back into blogging: I’ve neglected my blog a lot recently, but I’m hoping this year I can get back into blogging again.
- Take control of my health: After my recent diagnosis, my most important goal is to improve my health
- Read more: Find more time to read and make sure it’s not just magazines
- Work with different brands: Last year I promoted lots of shampoo! Looking to do some different PR
- Start a new fitness class: Even if I try something new and don’t like it, at least I’d try
- Enjoy turning 30: Yep, my milestone birthday this year. Cheers to getting older?
- Bucket list: Start one and tick a few things off it
- Attend more wrestling shows/different events: I want to see more of what I love!
- Meet new people: It’s hard to make new friends as you get older, I need to remember how worthwhile it is to get out there.
- Update/new skills: Last year I completed a couple of online classes including nutrition. This year I’d like to take on something different
- Declutter: Cleaning all aspects of my life. This includes clearing things such as toxic friends, bad food, old clothes, negative thoughts and more. Make more space for meditation, healing and yoga.
- Sleep more: Goes without saying.
Overall my word for 2018 is self-care. I need to put myself first for the sake of my health. I’m sure as the year goes on I’ll have more goals to add. I always have a checklist on my phone for everything, so it’ll feel good to keep ticking those boxes!
Here’s to health, happiness and a successful year. Good luck to you and whatever your goals are!